Recent News
Here I share with you my thoughts on leadership and development. I invite you to connect with me on any of these topics.

Desire & Fear
Desire & FearAs a motivational keynote speaker, I often talk about the relationship between desire and fear. For most people, this is the definition of reality: quietly yearning for what we don't have while dreading losing what we do. But what if we could shift our...

Dreams – Achieving the Impossible
Dreams achieving the impossibleWe all have dreams and aspirations that we hope to achieve in our lifetime. However, for many of us, those dreams seem impossible to achieve. It could be because we lack the confidence, the resources, or the motivation to pursue them....

Exceptional tenacity to never ever quit
Exceptional tenacity to never ever quit – these words capture the essence of what it takes to achieve success in life. As a keynote speaker, I have had the privilege of working with countless individuals who have demonstrated exceptional tenacity to overcome seemingly...

We are the total sum of our stories
We are the total sum of our storiesAs a keynote speaker, I often emphasize the importance of changing the narrative of our lives. We are the total sum of our stories, the stories we tell others about ourselves, and the stories we tell ourselves. If we can tell those...