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F.L.A.M.E. Engagement Assessment Instructions

Welcome to the F.L.A.M.E. Engagement Assessment! This brief assessment is designed to measure your engagement with your role across the five segments of the F.L.A.M.E. methodology. Please follow the instructions below to complete the assessment:

Instructions for Completing the Assessment

1. Respond Instinctively:

  • Go with your initial instinct for each statement. Choose the answer that best represents your true feelings and experiences.

2. Rate Each Statement:

  • For each statement, rate your level of agreement selecting one of the following 5 options:
    Strongly Disagree – Disagree – Neutral - -Agree - Strongly Agree

3. Completion Time:

  • This assessment should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Ensure you are in a quiet environment where you can focus.

Example Statement and Rating


"I understand the core values of our organisation."

  • If you strongly agree, you would select Strongly Agree.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this assessment. Your responses are valuable in helping us understand and improve your engagement with your role.

Please enter your name and email:

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1. I am proud of the impact my work has on the organisation.

2. I feel supported by my team when facing challenges.

3. I feel encouraged to learn and develop new skills.

4. My role challenges me in a way that keeps me fully engaged and motivated

5. I feel empowered to take initiative and pursue innovative ideas within my role.

6. I feel my daily tasks are necessary for the basic functioning of the organisation.

7. I am open to challenges and view them as opportunities for growth.

8. I understand the short-term goals of my role.

9. I receive the resources and support necessary to maintain focus.

10. I continuously push myself to achieve excellence and make a meaningful impact.

11. I understand how my role contributes to the organisation’s mission.

12. My work environment supports basic concentration needs.

13. I continuously strive to adopt a growth mindset in all aspects of my work.

14. I have clear and defined tasks to complete each day.

15. I often find myself deeply engaged and absorbed in my tasks.

16. My mistakes are treated as learning opportunities rather than failures.

17. I see a clear connection between my work and the organisation’s success.

18. I take pride in overcoming obstacles and achieving my goals.

19. I set and pursue long-term goals that align with my personal & professional aspirations.

20. I am deeply passionate about my work and remain committed despite setbacks.

21. My role aligns with my personal values and purpose.

22. I regularly experience the process of losing track of time while working.

23. My performance goals are aligned with the organisation’s objectives.

24. I feel that my work contributes to something greater than myself.

25. I can focus on my tasks without frequent interruptions.

26. I actively seek feedback to improve my performance.

27. I am resilient and can adapt to changes in my work environment.

28. I believe my abilities and skills can be developed through dedication and hard work

29. I am persistent in completing my tasks, even when they are difficult.

30. I have a clear understanding of my career path within the organisation.

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